A root removal is often the best answer to a damaged tooth root. Here are 4 things to know about root removal in Great neck that may make it easier to deal with this common procedure.
On a scale of 1 to 10 how much does a root canal hurt?
This is probably the biggest concern for anyone who has to undergo a root canal procedure. The good news is, the procedure should cause no more discomfort than a dental filling.
Many dentists will help alleviate the discomfort of the needle with a little topical anesthetic applied prior. Once your mouth is numb, you should find the rest of the procedure to be tolerable. Talk to Michael Baharestani about any concerns you may have. He should be able to give you a little peace of mind about pain.
How long is the post root canal healing time?
Luckily, healing time is usually fairly short. It is normal to feel some discomfort after the anesthetic has worn off, but, within a day or two, you should be able to resume normal activities. Your dentist may also an antibiotic if he or she feels there is a risk of remaining infection. Your tooth and the gum surrounding it could remain sensitive for two to three days.
Will my restored tooth last?
Once the procedure has been successfully completed and you have a fully restored tooth, you will need to take good care of your mouth. Some dental restorations do need to be replaced over time, but, with the care of your dentist and a good oral health care regime, you can make your restoration last.
Do I have any other options?
If you have been told you need the procedure, the only realistic solution is to have the tooth removed. While this may seem like the easy fix, removing a tooth is always the least favorable choice. Missing teeth can lead to other issues and the restoration to repair it can be more invasive and costly that post root canal restorations.