
Root canal Specialist

Dr. Michael Baharestani is an Endondontist (Root Canal Specialist) practicing on Long Island in Great Neck, New York. His advanced training in root canal treatment allows him to provide the highest level care for his patients by using the most advanced technology in the field. He has been practicing dentistry in New York City and Long Island for over 10 years.

Tooth Pain Q & A

Tooth Pain Specialist – Long Island Great Neck, NY: Michael Baharestani, DDS: Endodontist Tooth Pain Q & A by Michael Baharestani, DDS What causes tooth pain? Tooth pain can be caused by many issues, including tooth decay, gum disease and trauma, as well as issues like chronic clenching or grinding…

Internal Bleaching Q&A

Internal Bleaching Specialist – Long Island Great Neck, NY: Michael Baharestani, DDS: Endodontist What causes deep discoloration of teeth? In most cases, deep discoloration is caused by infection or damage to the tooth’s interior pulp. Root canals remove damaged or diseased pulp, but they can also cause the tooth to…

Emergency Dental Treatment Q&A

Emergency Dental Treatment Specialist – Long Island Great Neck, NY: Michael Baharestani, DDS: Endodontist Emergency Dental Treatment Q&A by Michael Baharestani, DDS What is a dental emergency? A dental emergency can include any type of damage or condition that affects your teeth or gums and that causes symptoms that warrant…

Root Canal Treatment Q&A

Root Canal Treatment Specialist – Long Island Great Neck, NY: Michael Baharestani, DDS: Endodontist Root Canal Treatment Q&A by Michael Baharestani, DDS When is a root canal performed? Root canals are performed to treat decay and damage to the soft central portion of the tooth, or the pulp. When the…

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    Great Neck, NY 11021

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12 Bond street
Great Neck, NY
11021 united states