Root Canal Retreatment Specialist – Long Island Great Neck, NY: Michael Baharestani, DDS: Endodontist
What is root canal retreatment?
Root canal retreatment includes special techniques to treat a tooth that has not responded well to a previous root canal. Most root canals are successful and require no additional treatment. But sometimes, conditions like complex or unusual canal structures or a leaky sealant may allow infection to recur in the area. Root canal retreatment addresses these issues to relieve painful symptoms and maintain the integrity of the tooth.
How is root canal retreatment performed?
During retreatment, the tooth will be accessed and the area will be cleaned of debris. New filling material will be inserted and the filled area will be carefully sealed. Infection may also be treated with special medication. Sometimes, the affected area can be accessed through the lower portion of the tooth, but in other cases, it must be accessed from the top, requiring removal of the crown or other restoration you may have had following your root canal. In some cases, the root end of the tooth will need to be removed in a procedure called apioectomy. In those procedures, the root end will be accessed through a small opening in your gum which may be closed with a few sutures afterward.
How can I tell if I need to have a root canal retreatment?
People who require retreatment of a prior root canal procedure typically experience symptoms like pain in the tooth, especially when pressure is applied to the tooth, swollen or tender gums, or other painful symptoms. If you’re experiencing pain near a tooth that’s had a root canal, you should have the tooth evaluated to determine if retreatment is necessary or if symptoms could be occurring as a result of another issue, such as gum disease. Regardless of the cause, any painful symptoms require evaluation by a dentist